Dobre Muziky!!!

Welcome to
"Czech Classics - Then and Now"

August 4, 2021
Hosted by Dennis Svatek


(Left-click to listen, right-click to download...)

1.  Lee Roy Matocha Orch. - Oaken Leaf Polka

2.  Opening

3.  Granger Polka Boys - Plow Polka

4.  Texas Dream Band - White Mule Waltz

5.  Ray Krenek Orch. - Happy Annie Polka

6.  Li'l Wally & the Michigan Dutchmen - Where is My Youth Waltz

7.  Moravians - Come Joe to Us Polka

8.  Fritz & the Fabulous Six - Beautiful Shepherdess Waltz

9.  Commentary

10.  Bobby Jones Orch. - Painted Gate Polka (live)

11.  Bill Mraz Orch. - Long Road to Moravia Waltz

12.  Joe Patek Orch. - Tinker Polka

13.  Red Ravens - Old Timers Waltz

14.  Starlights - Cradle Polka

15.  Chris Rybak - Beautiful Waltz

16.  Commentary

17.  Al Grebnick & the Boys - Wheelbarrow Polka

18.  Texas Plainsmen - Shining Sun Waltz

19.  Incredible Music Masters - Barbara Polka

20.  Charlie Dvorak Orch. - Ja Neman Nic Polka

21.  Pavelka Orch. - Up and Down Polka

22.  Dutchmasters - Lazy Farmer Waltz

23.  Vrazel's Polka Band - Koline Polka

24.  Closing

25.  Telstars - In Heaven There is No Beer Polka